Let us boost your bottom line by reducing and managing your telecom, waste, and energy costs.
Edge Is Here To Help
As a manufacturing company, so much is involved in your day-to-day operations that cost management often falls by the wayside. However, routine costs that you think you should just accept can be minimized with no impact on operations and a significant impact on the bottom line.
At Edge Insights, we understand the unique challenges of manufacturers and are here to help. With our support, you can bring your full attention to making sure production runs smoothly while we take care of optimizing services and savings.

Waste & Environmental Services
From chemicals and solvents to byproducts and scrap from the manufacturing process, manufacturers have many waste streams in addition to the basic trash all businesses generate. Let us help you identify all the waste streams and find the best possible disposal solution. In most cases, this can result in cost reductions and additional revenue streams. Keep in mind that one company’s waste stream may be another company’s raw material!
We can also help dispose of waste streams that require a chain of custody. If byproducts have to be tracked and reports made, Edge can help. If anything in the waste stream can be recycled, we’ll identify that too. Our commitment is to help you dispose of waste responsibly, at the lowest possible cost.
Energy Services
Unlike non-manufacturers, it’s typical for you to experience peaks of energy use. Spikes in energy demand can lead to inconsistent costs that are hard to plan for, let alone reduce. At Edge Insights, we specialize in helping you diversify and manage your energy load and natural gas usage. Our cost management experts can analyze how you consume energy in order to reduce those expenses.
Additionally, in many states, energy used in the manufacturing process is exempt from sales tax. For example, for a manufacturer in Pennsylvania that uses 8% of its energy for general administration and 92% for the manufacturing process, that 92% would be exempt from the 6% sales tax. That can equal thousands of dollars a month in savings. Let us complete an analysis to find that exemption number and document exemption levels, helping you save even more money.
We can also help dispose of waste streams that require a chain of custody. If byproducts have to be tracked and reports made, Edge can help. If anything in the waste stream can be recycled, we’ll identify that too. Our commitment is to help you dispose of waste responsibly, at the lowest possible cost.
Telecom Services
Our cost management experts will ensure your telecom services deliver the performance and reliability required in your manufacturing environment. From voice to internet, cloud, and data, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing, installing, and managing the telecom services that best fit your unique business.
We manage and reduce your manufacturing business’s telecom costs while acting as a single point of contact for every carrier, keeping your telecom spend and stress to a minimum.
Let's See What We Can Do For You
Let’s maximize your profits and reduce operating costs so you can focus on running your business – not analyzing waste bills, energy use, or taking apart the telecom bill.